Pocket Stone Green Moonstone.
Small pocket Green Moonstone, polished by hand, in small La Luna bag. You will receive a small explanation about the stone in the bag.
If you want to give or send this as a present, let us know in the last step of your order. We will print this and put it in the bag!
Found in
Around 25 - 45 mm.
Recommended giftbag: small.
A precious stone, hard to find. This stone is connected to the moon and often used by infertility. It’s a great gift to someone with a baby wish! Green Moonstone is also the stone for hope and love. It helps against greed and makes insensitive people more sensitive. The Moonstone is also a good protector against bad luck and poisoning.
Do you know someone who is working day and night shifts? Green Moonstone helps with recovering the normal rhythm.
Green Moonstone is specialized in compassion and love. Love for others, but also for yourself. It belongs to the heart chakra and helps to open up your heart.